I am a 5th year PhD student in Economics at the University of Texas at Austin and I conduct research in the field of Applied Microeconomics. You can reach me at fpardo@utexas.edu. Here you can find my CV.
What is a Good School, and Can Parents Tell? Evidence on the Multidimensionality of School Output
(with Diether Beuermann, C. Kirabo Jackson and Laia Navarro-Sola)
Review of Economic Studies, June 2022
online appendix
Work in Progress
Sibling Spillovers on Education Trajectories
Complementarities of Joint Decisions Over Health Insurance within a Household: Evidence from Medicare Part D
Catastrophic Decisions: Household Reactions When Individual Members Age into or out of Health Insurance Eligibility Criteria
The Effect of Partisan Poll Watchers in Presidential Runoff Elections: 3 Close Elections in Peru
Long-Run Experimental Impacts of the “One Laptop Per Child” Program in Peru
(with Diether Beuermann, Julian Cristia, Santiago Cueto and Ofer Malamud)
Spillovers of Going to a Better School on Older and Younger Siblings (with Diether Beuermann, Patricio Dominguez, C. Kirabo Jackson and Diego Vera-Cossio)
Price Theory Summer Camp, 2023 (organized by Kevin Murphy)
Russell Sage Summer Institute in Behavioral Economics, 2022
(organized by David Laibson and Matthew Rabin)
UC Davis Summer School on the Economics of Migration, 2022
(organized by Giovanni Peri)
1st Texas Applied Microeconomics Student (TEAMS) Workshop, 2022 (organizer)